Meet better

The universal debrief :
make sense of things, together

It always makes sense to step back and create some shared understanding. The Three Ws debrief helps you do that.

 Three Ws helps us by breaking our experience down into three steps: “What do we notice?”, “So, what does this mean?” and “Now, where do we go from here?” 

Thanks to The Liberators for their great description of the sequence

Round 1: What? (8 min)

  1. Invite people to individually consider what they noticed and/or what facts or observations stood out for them (2 min);

  2. Share their individual observations in small groups. Encourage them to stick to observations and facts, and not to jump to interpretations or conclusions. If this happens, invite people to ask: “How did you notice?” or “What did you observe that made you arrive at that idea?” (5 min);

  3. Invite the small groups to share and collect salient observations with the whole group

Round 2 : So What? (8 min)

Now individually reflect on the observations. Why are those observations important? What patterns do you see? What conclusions can we draw? (1 min);

  1. Invite people to share their interpretations and conclusions in small groups (5 min);

  2. Invite the small groups to share and collect salient patterns, conclusions and interpretations with the whole group (2 min);

Round 3: Now What? (8 min)

Now individually reflect on the observations. Why are those observations important? What patterns do you see? What conclusions can we draw? (1 min);

  1. Invite people to share their interpretations and conclusions in small groups (5 min);

  2. Invite the small groups to share and collect salient patterns, conclusions and interpretations with the whole group (2 min);


Find purpose


The fishbowl: wisdom to go