Meet better

Meeting check ins that don’t suck

For a meeting to work, there has to be a transition point. If you can’t park whatever mess your brain is working on, everyone else suffers.

So at the start of a meeting, encourage people to switch in to the people and subject.  Ask a simple non-threatening, non-lame question:   “What has your attention at the moment?” or “What did you last recommend to someone” and each person answers one at a time.  The idea is that everyone can take 10-20s to answer. If you’re virtual, you can also use the ‘chatterfall’ technique.

  • What’s a talent you have that you don’t use at work?

  • What did the eight year old you want to be when you grew up?

  • What’s the background on your laptop or phone? 

  • Ocean, desert, mountains or forest? 

  • What’s a company or brand with newsletter or update actually look forward to? 

  • What do you like and dislike about your name?

  • Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Star Wars or Get Me Away From Fantasy series?

  • A favourite charity that you wish more people know about?  

  • When’s the last time you felt fully rested?  

  • What were you really into as a kid?

  • If you listen to music while working, what’s the playlist?

(Thanks to the digital workplace for some of these)


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Two types of story